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Executive Board Members

Ben Adams


"I'm currently a sophomore Computer Science major and political activist. I've been involved with the College Republicans since the beginning of my time here at Kent State. In my free time I like to play the drums, listen to music, and stay connected with friends."


Will Gall

Vice President

"Hi I'm Will the VP of the Kent State College Republicans. I have been a member of the Kent State College Republicans since the Spring of 2019. I'm majoring in Construction Management here at Kent State with the intention to graduate in May of 2023. An interesting fact about me is that I am an Eagle Scout. In my free time I enjoy watching football, and hanging out with my friends."


Tyler Rupp

Communications Director

"I am a junior majoring in construction management with a minor in business. I have been involved in the College Republicans since I was a freshman and will continue to do so until I graduate. I also was apart of the Students for Trump. I like to play video games and talk politics." 


Kyle Fuller



Alexa Schwerha


"I am a senior Communication Studies and Political Science major. I joined the Kent State CRs my sophomore year, and have loved getting involved with local politics. In my free time I enjoy traveling across the country and visiting new places!"

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